The Executive Committee

Paul Felton
Honorary President

Mike Holbrook
Vice President

Roy Pedder
Vice President & Publicity Officer

Roy, along with his wife Gerry, began their joint hobby in 1997 by building their first garden railway. In 2001 they became joint publicity officers and we did this role until 2017.
In 2017 they stepped away from committee but rejoined in 2020 to take the publicity role on once

Alan Eccles
Vice President

Alan been a member for well over 30 years, joining in 1998 over this time has been privileged to in multiple roles.

Advocate of a broad-church approach but focusing on British outline, adapting, and modifying locos and stock. With his wife Sylvia, they were founder members of the West Midlands Group, until recently when they moved south, resulting in the eventual reincarnation of the Damar Valley Railway allowing them to renew friendships with the friendly Society

Ken McCormick

Eric Upton
Vice Chairman

Paul Hunt

Paul joined the Society over 18 years ago. Badgers Crossing is my Railway and is now fully DCC. We have raised over £25,000 over the last 15 years for Charity with our open days. I have been Treasurer for about 4 years.

There is sadly never enough time for my hobby but I still enjoy it.

Peter Charles

Appointed Members

Gerry Pedder
Publicity Officer

Gerry, along with her husband Roy, began their joint hobby in 1997 by building their first garden railway. In 2001 they became joint publicity officers and we did this role until 2017. During this period Gerry also took on the event manager’s role for a few years before becoming the chairman of the society in 2013.
In 2017 they stepped away from committee but rejoined in 2020 to take the publicity role on once

Matthew Edwards
Area Group Coordinator

Fraser Neilson
Membership Secretary

Josie Saulter
Advertising Manager

David Cowgill
Journal Editor

Jene Knight
Social Media

Jene Knight
Social Media

Zoe Deeley
Assistant Webmaster

Curtis Stanier
Website & Technology

Curtis rejoined the society in 2019 after rediscovering his love of the hobby (he had been a member for several years after turning 9). He lives with his wife Nikki (also a member) in Jersey and has been working on their dream garden railway since 2021.