The annual Kent Groups Pratts Bottom event. With various G Scale layouts present. Kent Garden Railways (KGR) will be attending as sole trader. Refreshments will also be available on site. The event is Free to G Scale Society members (membership needs to be shown) or Adults £4. Children £1.50, Family (2A + 2C) £10 for non members. Public (Open to…
The Exeter Garden Railway Show is the largest of its kind in the South West and makes a fabulous day out for all the family. The aim of our show is to promote the garden railway hobby from O gauge to Scale 3 and everything in between. The 2023 show will be our 21st and will be up to our…
Exeter Garden Rail Show @ Watford Centre, Exeter. Public (Open to anyone) Exhibition Matford Centre, Matford Park Road, Marsh Barton Industrial Estate, Exeter EX2 8FD